Lately we’ve been hearing a lot of people ask where they can find more buyers and sellers and how they can get them to the closing table. Believe it or not, there are a lot right in front of you and chances are you’re not marketing to them effectively.
After all, we are really in the “Marketing To Our Database” business, not the Real Estate Business. It’s not always about getting more clients; it’s about keeping our clients that know, like and trust us. How do you do this? We will show you in this Agent Mastermind Session.
We will share with you a blue print for marketing to your database that could double, if not triple, your income. We’ll go over –
- The blueprint
- Scripts when calling
- Strategies to re-engage
- When to do it
- How to handle a large database
- What to say to your database
- Snail mail strategy you don’t want to miss
- And so much more.
About the Host
Ron Siegel, consumer advocate and mortgage lender, discusses anything that affects the roof over your head, your bank account or other items that will benefit you / your family.
Reach Ron at
- 800.306.1990
- Twitter: @RonSiegel